Sternstunden der Musik | Michelangeli spielt Ravel

Sternstunden der Musik | Michelangeli spielt Ravel

Sternstunden der Musik | Michelangeli spielt Ravel

Ein Film von Dag Freyer & Philipp Quiring, ZDF/arte, 43 min.

Sendetermin bei ARTE: 16. März 2025 um 17:40 Uhr

Der Name Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli ist bis heute untrennbar mit dem Klavierkonzert G-Dur von Maurice Ravel verbunden. Wie Michelangeli beispielsweise die Trillerketten so artikuliert, dass die Illusion entsteht, als könne man auf der Klaviatur wie auf einem Streichinstrument von einem Ton zum nächsten hinübergleiten, ist bisher unerreicht.

Gleichzeitig ist Michelangeli ein großes Mysterium: Er war für seine zahlreichen Absagen berühmt-berüchtigt. Kleinste Unstimmigkeiten am Instrument, eine kleine Änderung des Raumklimas von Probe zu Konzert reichten aus, um eine Aufführung platzen zu lassen.

Sein Ruf, als einer der größten seiner Zunft, ist unbestritten. Pianistenlegende Krystian Zimerman erinnert sich an seinen künstlerischen Austausch mit Michelangeli. Für Pierre-Laurent Aimard ist er als Magier der Akustik eine erklärte Inspirationsquelle. Serge Celebidachi, der Sohn von Sergiu Celibidache, gewährt Einblicke in die besondere Künstlerfreundschaft der beiden Perfektionisten. Während sich Marina Baranova in Bayern auf die Suche nach Michelangelis Flügel macht, erinnert sich Cord Garben, Michelangelis Produzent, an die nicht immer einfache Zusammenarbeit. Jazzmusiker Stefano Bollani, ein Bewunderer von Michelangeli, zeigt die Inspiration Ravels durch den Jazz auf.

Anastasia Kobekina | Now or Never!

Anastasia Kobekina | Now or Never!

Anastasia Kobekina: Now or Never!

A film by Grete Liffers & Sophie-Caroline Danner, 52 min, C Major & Sony

Many share the dream of a global career – but what does it truly take to make that dream a reality? Following the charismatic cellist Anastasia Kobekina, the documentary offers a unique look behind the closed doors of her record label, concert halls, and her private life. Having started to play the cello at age four, Anastasia struggles with the decisions made for her and those she must make when asking herself: “Is it my choice or the choice of my parents?” Torn between her own and other people’s expectations, Anastasia forges her path through a demanding industry and inspires by proving her ambition, talent, and resilience.

Magic Moments of Music | The Wrath of Nina Simone

Magic Moments of Music | The Wrath of Nina Simone

Magic Moments of Music | The Wrath of Nina Simone

A film by Magdalena Zieba-Schwind, ZDF/arte, 52 min

In 1965, the civil rights movement in the USA was approaching its climax in the fight against racism and discrimination. Nina Simone – jazz icon and high priestess of soul – performed her first concerts in Europe. In the Netherlands, she presented her own protest songs and songs by Oscar Brown Jr. and Charles Aznavour to a curious (television) audience. An intense, defining moment about the liberating power of music.

It is a special moment in the life of the world-famous singer and pianist. She has just become a mother and has joined the protests of the civil rights movement in America against racism and discrimination against the black population. She predominantly writes and sings protest songs, risking her career because her lyrics are considered controversial in America and are even boycotted in some cases. In Europe, she sees the opportunity to express herself freely and tell the stories of the oppression of black people from her homeland. Through television concerts like this one, she reaches an audience of millions.

The film tells of Simone’s beginnings in music, how she transitioned from classical to jazz, and her courage and relentless fight for equality and freedom. “Tomorrow is my turn, no more doubts, no more fears,” Simone sings in a mix of resignation and defiant hope. She hopes that her voice can be part of the change in the situation of the black population in the USA in the 1960s.

Pianist Gabriela Montero and singer Angélique Kidjo explain how music can be an instrument of resistance. Jazz singer Lizz Wright’s work is still strongly influenced by Nina Simone to this day. Opera singer Victoria Randem explains how important Nina Simone was for the generations after her. They all show how important civil courage, authenticity, and emotionality are on stage and how Nina Simone’s legacy continues to have an impact today.

Celebrating Christmas

Celebrating Christmas

Celebrating Christmas | With Benjamin Appl, Elsa Dreisig and the Regensburger Domspatzen

Director: Beatrix Conrad, 65 min

A dream will be coming true for star singer Benjamin Appl. As a young boy, he learned to sing as one of the ‘Cathedral Sparrows’ – the celebrated Regensburg Boys’ Choir. Now, together with soprano Elsa Dreisig and 60 of the Sparrows, he invites the audience to the beautiful Old Chapel in Regensburg to sing popular Christmas carols from Germany, France, England and Sweden.

It promises to be a diverse and international festive programme, and the perfect way to usher in the tranquil Christmas season. Bavaria’s most distinguished Rococo church will resound with the beloved melodies of Cornelius and Mendelssohn as well as traditional Christmas carols including ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’, ‘Christmas Lullaby’ and ‘Petit Papa Noël’.

Magic Moments of Music | Angela Gheorghiu sings “La Traviata”

Magic Moments of Music | Angela Gheorghiu sings “La Traviata”

Magic Moments of Music | Angela Gheorghiu sings "La Traviata"

A film by Holger Preuße and Philipp Quiring, ZDF/arte, 52 min

It was a uniquely uniquely magic moment of music. In what would be the first and only time, the BBC dedicated its prime time weekend schedule to broadcast an opera live to an audience of millions. In place of popular motoring programme Top Gear, the British public were treated to La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi. Legendary conductor Sir Georg Solti convinced decision-makers at the BBC that it was time to introduce a phenomenal singer and performer to the world: Romanian soprano Angela Gheorghiu. Until this moment, Gheorghiu was a talent known only to a few. Solti himself was at the podium to conduct La Traviata for the first time in his storied career, while the staging was by theatre and feature film director Sir Richard Eyre – likewise working on his very first opera. Eyre agreed on one specific condition. “I wanted a soprano as described by Verdi himself: young, elegant and with a voice full of passion.” Angela Gheorghiu had all of these qualities and more. In an interview she said: “During the broadcast, I felt that my time had arrived. I was in no doubt: it was now or never!”

Alongside Angela Gheorghiu, who the film accompanies 30 years later to the Royal Opera House in London – the birthplace of her global success – are memories and reflections from tenor Frank Lopardo, who sang the role of Alfredo, opera director Sir Richard Eyre, BBC film director Peter Maniura, French-Danish singer Elsa Dreisig, conductor Marie Jacquot, opera critic Nick-Martin Sternitzke and the writer Salomé Balthus.

The first act of La Traviata conducted by Sir Georg Solti and featuring Angela Gheorghiu as Violetta is available to enjoy at